How Do I Bathe My Silicone Doll?

You might be here because you just got a silicone doll and you’re wondering if you can bathe it. You also might be looking into purchasing a silicone doll and wondering the same thing.

You may already have one and are wondering if you’re bathing it the proper way. If your doll has gotten dirty, you may be wondering, “how do I clean my silicone doll?”.

Here are the answers to all your questions.

Can I Bathe My Silicone Doll?

Because silicone babies typically have full silicone bodies, they are able to be fully submerged in water and bathed.

It is important to note, however, that they should not be bathed very often due to the fragile nature of their skin. 

There are silicone dolls that are not full silicone, they are attached to a cloth body and only the head and limbs are made of silicone. If this is the case with your doll, you cannot fully submerge them or get their body wet.

If you were to submerge a doll with a cloth body, you run the risk of harboring bacteria and mold that can ruin your doll.

If your doll has a cloth body and you’re looking to clean them up, use a sponge bath with a washcloth for their head and limbs.

Keep their body covered with a towel to prevent moisture from sneaking in.

Why Should I Bathe My Silicone?

People have various reasons for wanting to bathe their silicone doll.

You may want to share the experience with your baby. There is nothing sweeter than seeing your doll in their first bath!

There is something both nurturing and comforting about gently washing up then cuddling your baby in a soft towel.

Your doll may just be in need of a good cleaning. Silicone tends to attract lint, fuzz, or hair.

You may notice this stuck all over their arms, legs, or face. Time for a bath!

If you use powder on your silicone, this may also cause build-up in their creases (arm folds, neck, armpits). It’s best to gently bathe them to get this excess powder off.

What Things Do I Need To Bathe My Silicone?

Location: You may use a sink, a basin, a bathtub, or a baby bathtub. This is all preference. Many people prefer to purchase a baby bathtub as it is sized for use for a baby and it also adds a more realistic factor for bath time with your silicone.

Towel: We recommend using a light-colored, soft baby towel. Dark colors may bleed into the silicone, especially when it is wet. The softer the towel, the gentler it will be on the delicate, silicone skin.

Washcloth: Again, a soft, light-colored washcloth is best. This will prevent dark colors from staining your silicone’s skin. Baby washcloths are usually the best way to go.

Soap: Mild, gentle, scent-less soap is the best. Many people use baby soap and that is completely fine. The milder and gentler = the better and easier it will be on your silicone’s skin.

Q-Tips: If you have a doll whose mouth opens and closes, q-tips are helpful for drying out their mouth post-bath.

Powder: Utilizing powder is very common for silicone dolls. Powder decreases the shine of silicone and can also help with decreasing its likelihood of attracting hair, fuzz, or lint.

Powder also creates a more lifelike feel to the skin and keeps the doll smelling fresh and baby-like.

Many people use regular baby powder or purchase powders from special silicone doll shops.

Avoid using scented powders, the perfumes and oils in these may cause staining of the silicone.

Powder Brush: In order to evenly apply the powder, use a powder brush. You can use a regular makeup or blush brush. Use a brand new one that has not had any other harsh products on it that may harm your silicone’s skin.

Diaper/Clothes: Again, this is preference. Whether it’s a dress or overalls, whatever you decide to dress your baby in is the perfect choice!

How Do I Bathe My Silicone?

First things first: Decide where you will bathe your doll. You can use a sink, bathtub, or baby bathtub. This is all preference.

Many people purchase and use baby bathtubs as this makes it for a more authentic, realistic experience. This is totally optional, you can bathe your baby wherever you please!

Next, you should gather everything you need so you’re not running all over the place while your baby waits.

Grab a towel, a washcloth, mild or gentle baby soap, q-tips, baby powder and a brush to apply it, a comb or baby brush, a diaper, and a fresh change of clothes.

Let’s start!

Begin filling your tub or sink. You can use warm or room temperature water. While the tub is filling, begin undressing your doll and prepping them for their bath. Then put them in the water!

As far as getting their hair wet, again this is your preference. Silicone babies have rooted hair, which means that it is poked into the silicone individually with a needle. No glue is used in this process so the hair is very fragile and may shed over time.

Some people never fully soak their baby’s hair. But some do and are just very careful throughout the process. Based on your desires or recommendations from the artist or seller, this choice is yours.

Wet and lather up your soft washcloth. Very gently, begin to clean your doll. Do not rub aggressively or roughly scrub your doll. Their skin is fragile and susceptible to tears, rips, or shedding.

Gently clean the skin to work away dirt and light stains. If you don’t have a washcloth you may also use your hands. Pay attention to creases and hard-to-clean areas. If you have a doll whose mouth opens, be careful not to get water into their mouth!

If you choose to wash their hair, again, be very gentle as it is prone to falling out!

You can use the washcloth or a small cup to run clean water over them to get the soap off. Make sure to get it all!

Next, take your silicone out of the bath and put them on a soft towel.

Remember…light-colored towels because dark colors may bleed into your doll’s skin.

Pat your doll dry. Again, be gentle, and do not rub the towel roughly over their skin. Be sure to make sure they are completely dry!

We mentioned grabbing q-tips. This is important if you have a silicone that has a mouth that opens and closes. Although you may have done your best to keep water away from their mouth, sometimes some sneaks in.

Use the q-tip in and around their mouth to dry any water out.

If applicable, use a soft baby comb or brush to gently brush your doll’s hair. Do not pull hard so you don’t pull any hair out.

If you use powder, now is the time to powder your silicone. Use your brush and gently brush in the powder.

At this point, you may be wondering about lotion. It is NOT recommended that you put any lotion on your doll. This may cause a quicker breakdown of their already fragile skin.

Almost done!

Now you can diaper and dress your baby.

Congratulations! Bath time is complete!

To see the bathing process from start to finish, check out the videos below.